The Out Islands of The Bahamas—February 2022

A Three-Hour Tour

If those words and the first image below strike a memory cord, then you can understand my excitement stepping onto Gilligan’s Island for three hours of beach bumming. How tiny and close to civilization the island really is. Of course, this iconic image was only used for the sitcom’s opening scene and the show was filmed in a studio. After six weeks this winter at an intensive yoga retreat, I wanted to spend some time on water before leaving The Bahamas. Enter the 125 ft. Liberty Clipper of Boston, a tall ship that makes Nassau its summer home for island-hopping windjammer cruises. I went from asanas, meditation and yoga philosophy classes to a week of hoisting sails alongside the crew and exploring the Out Islands of The Bahamas with amazing unobstructed sunsets over the water.

My favorite position on the Liberty Clipper was in the bow, especially when this island came into view.

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.

Listen to the don'ts.

Listen to the shouldn'ts,

the impossibles, the won'ts.

Listen to the never haves,

then listen close to me.

Anything can happen, child.

Anything can be.

— Shel Silverstein